A physio treats a ladies shoulder

Manual Techniques

Your physio will use some joint mobilistation techniques to help with pain and is in cooperation with many other treatment styles which are discussed with you thoroughly so you are happy with any plan.

What is this treatment

Manual techniques have many benefits and a number of methods can be applied, most popular being McKenzie Method and Maitland Method to help with joint movement.

Why you might want this treatment

Manual techniques can be a useful tool to assist with improving joint movement in the initial stages of injury. Regaining movement will can help with reducing pain or discomfort.

How we treat you

Manual techniques will be used in conjunction with exercises, as the positive effects of manual techniques may be transient, while the pain free movement window allows us to regain movement and start to regain confidence or strength in the desired areas.

Book a physio appointment

Book with one of our experienced physios to help you get back to your best.

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